Apr 14, 2023Liked by Nikki Tate

I love your perspective, as I often am full of ideas that really tickle me but then fade away when I dont pursue them. Thank you that this juggling act is possible. I've become more cognizant of acting on the moment, and " activating" the creativity when its present. At least that gives it some grounding instead of an idea that floats away or is written over and over again on another scrap of note paper. Thanks for letting me know that productive "juggling " is possible.( I've tried actual "juggling" too) and perhaps need to pick up the balls again and become more proficient at it so this Energy would carry into my Life ! All the best, keep it up!!

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I've always wanted to learn to juggle! You'll have to show me next time our paths cross in person :) Meanwhile, though - yes, absolutely capture those ideas and do something with them when they show up! Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts on this - the struggle is real...

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I love this post, Niki, especially the photo of all the books. I too do the same--and the Colón quote is priceless. Congrats on closing in on a hundred and I so look forward to your post on https://innerlifecollaborative.substack.com and would like you, as a paying subscriber to do a guest post for me on https://marytabor.substack.com aka "Only connect ..." I'll promote you big time. Write me at <mltabor@me.com> I know you have this address, but here it is again so I can tell you how I do that and then schedule you. Love what you're doing here. xo Mary

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Hi Mary - thanks so much for your kind comments. I’d love to contribute a guest post to ‘Only connect!’ I’ll reach out by email to coordinate- thank you for the invitation:)

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I am definitely a consumer more than I am a creator, at least at this point in my life. I read constantly. I have incredible conversations. And I think endlessly. I do curate thinking on Twitter, but again: there, I am mostly onboarding other people’s exceptional thinking (I follow a wide and eclectic mix of people, many of them prolific writers and creators).

Your gatehouse is breathtaking. 🏡 !!!

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Thank you for commenting - and, yes - I know so well the appealing draw of consumption. There is just so much good stuff out there I often wonder what on earth there is left to say? And yet... we all have something to contribute. I know that to be true, too.

Re. the gatehouse - it's funny, at the time I thought, "This is so bad..." All I could see were the (many) flaws. But when I scrolled through my drawings file on my phone and spotted it I was immediately transported back to that spot in Sarreguemines in France - and, also, revised my original harsh assessment to 'hm... that's not such a horrible drawing at all.'

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Nikki Tate

I struggle with this too. One reason I'm so erratic at Morning Pages is because I love that quiet time in my reading chair early in the morning with my first cup of coffee and whatever book is absorbing my attention. A few years ago I got into the habit of reading each book with the intention of finding a quote (or several) to summarize what I had learned or taken away from it. Now I can revisit those lists of quotations and remember what a particular book gave me. It presents an aesthetic problem because if a book is really rich, there will be hanging out of its pages a tissue, torn bits of paper, a grocery receipt, a sock - whatever was to hand, sometimes at 4 a.m.

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I really like this idea... I would need to start a designated journal to track the quotes or I would be digging through random notebooks trying to find whatever it was that caught my eye.

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Apr 29, 2023Liked by Nikki Tate

Mine are on my laptop: Books Read 2022, etc. Using the dictation function makes the task of recording the quote a little quicker, and reading it aloud pours the quote into my brain in another way, so that helps me remember it too.

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That’s a great idea - the dictation/reading aloud of the quote to capture it…

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I think I’m a blend of both but I’ve been thinking a lot about this cycle and how maybe we’re missing the “pause” in-between exhale and inhale. Like a lopsided triangle that’s lost one of the necessary sides, I wonder if our lives might be shaped differently if we honored the space between creating and consuming. It feels vulnerable to ponder but I’m trying to do it more.

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Good point!

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Okay, I swear I wrote my post for today before reading yours, and yet here we are, on a similar wavelength. Quel surprise... Yes, I've often been inspired by something I read or watch or see, and I've immediately wanted to process it through my own creative ways, instead of taking it in. Bad? Good? Shrug?? This has been weirdest with art lessons, where I get so excited about learning that I jump right to doing. The stack of books I'm reading has overtaken the coffee table and could be turned into a coffee table itself (I've actually made a cartoon of that). So, basically...yes to all of this.

Also, I just want to say I love this newsletter, and I'm so happy to be among the 100!

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Lol - this too funny. I’ve been restraining myself from commenting too much on your newsletters so you don’t think I’m some sort of weirdo groupie. Separated at birth? So happy you are among the 100 :)

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Same. It's weird and wonderful. If you want to email, use the address on my website (not the Contact form, which will do anything but contact me).

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I think you are absolutely right about this - the need to give space/attention to the space between…

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