I’ve just been thinking about this! I definitely use my phone as a way to help me pass the time caring for little one during the day. The days can feel monotonous without it and it’s a sort of anchor into the adult world and the world of writing and community.

Here are some of my thoughts:

Limit phone use 30 min before sleeping/after waking up.

Stay off my phone during meal times

Leave my phone inside when I’m sitting on the porch or spending time in the backyard.

I think there are more ways I can reduce my time but starting with these is probably more realistic!

As a side note, I’ve been listening to a Hidden Brain podcast episode about dopamine and the effect of its overuse in our brain. Essentially, the overstimulation we get by constantly using our phone (and getting those dopamine inducing notifications, etc.) can actually cause our brain to start down regulating our natural dopamine production and lead to a baseline of anxiety/depression which causes us then to increase the behaviors that led to the dis regulation in the first place. I want to learn more but it’s fascinating to think about!

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I am afraid I am the complete opposite when it comes to my phone...often I am asked why I have a phone if I never have it on my person. I love the challenge of entertaining myself without the distraction of a phone...call me old fashioned but I will stubbornly continue to leave my phone at home

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Keep to do so. Love this post--and check your email, hoping you are online, paradoxically.

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