Hey there I am on your honor roll! Thx! Nice to be in bed with you at 3am. Sorta.

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LOL - fine bedfellows, indeed. :)

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Nikki Tate

Nikki, how did you read my mind on substacking?? You hit it home with “pros of more substacking” 🤣👏🏼

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Thanks for the lovey shoutout, Nikki!

To answer your question, yes I keep many documents with topics and links to help me go back to both Substack articles and other stuff online. It’s a mad web of ideas, but that’s how I roll!

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A mad web of ideas... that's kind of how it feels over here, too. Thanks for your comment... I'll keep fiddling around to see if I can come up with a good system.

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Thank you so much, what a wonderful surprise! :)

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You are so welcome! Keep up the great work - I just love your stick figures and how expressive they are despite being so (deceptively) simple.

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Thank you for including me in your list! Just so you know, I love reading about your climbing adventures and script writing challenges and insecurities about working out at the gym with a bunch of youngsters because it’s all so very real and you and life.

A niche might be better for business but is it better for genuine connection and relationship building? Maybe but I’m not so sure!

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Hi Mariah! So happy you are happy to be here, following along... You make a good point about niches and business - but who is so uni-dimensional in the rest of their lives? If our business as writers, artists, creatives of whatever strip is to explore the world and try to make sense of it all, then really, what subject matter should be left off the table? Totally agree that genuine connection and relationship building happens in the messy spaces between the niches :)

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Nikki Tate

I learn new things from you every time. Thanks for the list. I didn’t know where to start.

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I don't think there's any one way to go about this. Try searching for a subject in which you are interested to see if someone is writing about art, ranching, spirituality, poetry, writing songs (or whatever subject you are interested in). If you follow those people, many offer quite a bit/all of their content free. And, if you really really love what someone is doing, there's always the option of a paid subscription to show your support. As for writing - this is a welcoming, supportive, eclectic space where you can write whatever your heart so desires...

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Your conversational style of writing and the rad mix of things you talk about in your Substack IS your niche, don’t change a thing! I love reading your posts. Thanks too for the shout out Nikki. I appreciate it! X

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Thanks for the vote of confidence! I suppose anyone who gets too totally confused/annoyed by the lack of focus can unsubscribe. Delighted to have you along for the ride! Always enjoy seeing your work and the way in which you express your creative vision :)

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